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Plan to Take the CFP Board Practice Exam

When you register for the CFP® exam, you’ll receive complimentary access to a CFP Board practice exam. This valuable tool can give you an idea of how questions will be asked on the CFP® exam, as well as help you find areas of weakness you should focus on during your exam preparation.

Try this sample question to test your knowledge:

Mary, a 79-year-old widow with $2.2 million in investable assets, meets with Sharon, a CFP® professional and Investment Adviser Representative. Mary has always self-directed her investments and during a recent market downturn, moved to cash and fixed investments. At this time, Mary would like to have a limited engagement with Sharon to recommend a portfolio suitable for her. Which of the following is the best course of action for Sharon at this time?

  1. Collect Mary’s financial documents and investment statements
  2. Furnish Mary a copy of Sharon’s Form ADV
  3. Prepare a diversified portfolio investment policy statement for Mary
  4. Provide a risk assessment questionnaire to Mary

How did you do? If you’re ready for more questions, be sure to use the full Practice exam as part of your preparation. The CFP Board Practice Exam is the same length as the actual CFP® exam, with 170 questions and a six-hour clock that helps you practice timing while you test your knowledge. You’ll get instant feedback as soon as you complete a practice exam, seeing the number of questions you answered correctly. Plus, you’ll get to see exactly which questions you missed and read a full explanation of the correct response.

69% of those who passed the CFP® exam said the CFP Board Practice Exam was one of the most important tools for their exam preparation. Don’t miss out on something that has helped so many of your colleagues! Make sure to include the CFP Board Practice Exam early in your exam preparation.
