Tips for Your CFP® Exam Prep

Wondering how to create your study plan for the CFP® exam? A comprehensive article written by two CFP® professionals may help! Read it now.

Jesse Linberry, CFP® and Caleb Brown, CFP® understand that preparing for the CFP® exam is a big commitment, so they wrote an overview of the process to help you succeed. Their article outlines the steps that they recommend to study, as well as offering advice on how to create a plan that works for your learning style.

Additionally, they provide analysis of popular review courses, recommendations on weekly study time, suggestions for the final days of preparation before your exam and more. Their experience and insights may help you create an effective plan for exam success. Read their article for more details and strategies.

Plus, as you start preparing to take the CFP® exam, explore CFP Board’s free exam preparation tools and resources and incorporate them into your study plan.
